Monday, June 28, 2010

South Dakota.

Recently Erik Christenson and I drove out to South Dakota for a four-day weekend. We’ve never been there before and until now I never realized how close SD is to Wisconsin. There’s no better way to take a vacation in my mind then to go on a road trip. There’s just so much to see in this state from the Badlands, Custer State Park, Needles Highway, Mt. Rushmore, The Black Hills Wild House Sanctuary, the list goes on and on! South Dakota is truly a gem and feels strongly of the old west. Definitely a wildlife enthusiast dream.


My Sitka, Alaska friend Jen Cedarleaf contacted my to create a Wanted Poster and Bookmarks for the Humpback Whales of Southeastern Alaska organization. These items will be out and on display aboard the fleet of Allen Marine Tour Boats advertising to the sight seeing passengers. The organization hopes that after viewing this poster visitors will send in humpback whale fluke (Tail) photographs. These pictures help biologists track were individual whales are migrating throughout Alaska from the markings on their Flukes.

Spooky Stories!

Author Ryan Jacobson interviewed me awhile back interested to discover if I had any ghostly tails to share with him for an upcoming book. My story along with a collection of others is now published in a book titled Ghostly Tales of Wisconsin. Read my story bellow if you dare. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

My Ghost name is Anna Hurley.

Calling All Angles

Months after graduating from college I responded to an author who was interested in having one of his stories illustrated. The manuscript was titled Calling All Angles, a story about a little girl with cancer and a boy determined to help her. Written by Minnesota author Ryan Jacobson, Calling All Angles is a heartwarming tale I really enjoyed working on.

Here are a few illustrations from the story.