I had the wonderfully opportunity last month to attend the Highlights Illustrator's Party in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Shortly after illustrating Sophie Spider Spins for Highlights High Five Magazine, I received the party’s save the date card in the mail. I was allowed to bring a guest so Erik and I booked plane tickets ASAP and before we know it we were on our way to Philadelphia.

Our plan was to explore Philly for two days before journeying to Scranton where we would then be picked up by Highlights and driven to the event. Since I’m a rather big Rocky geek I found this a great opportunity to visit a handfull of locations from the movie including the Italian Market, Victor CafĂ©, Lauren Hill Cemetery and of course the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Stairs.

-Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Stairs

-It rained the second day we were in Philly but it didn't slow Erik and I down.

We even took the Philadelphia Cheese steak challenge and dinned at the competing restaurants Pats and Genos. Both restaurants are incredible but Erik and I agreed that Pat’s was defiantly the King of Steaks!

-A yummy Pat's Cheesesteak
I have never been to a city like Philadelphia before. History was everywhere; bronze statues on almost every block and historical buildings dating back to the late 1700’s scattered throughout the city. Seeing liberty Bell in real life was amazing.

We toured the Eastern State Penitentiary. Built in 1829, this castle of a building held prisoners until the 70’s before shutting down. This was a great place to visit, I would highly recommended it.

-Thats me sporting the Penitentiary's Audio Tour

-Prisoners Cell
After our time in Philadelphia was up we headed to Scranton. There a Highlights employee picked up Erik and me. She graciously drove us the remaining 45 min. to our room at Beach Lake. Here we relaxed before attending the welcoming party at the owner’s house in Boyds Mills.

The next day we listened to a lecture and took part in the illustrators portfolio share. After being bedazzled by so much amazing art, we made our way to the Firehouse for dinner and square dancing.

-Portfolio Share

-My Display

-Costume Time!

-Dinner at the Firehouse
Sunday we ate an amazing breakfast at the owner’s house along with going on a horse drawn wagon ride and nature walk. Pennsylvania is a beautiful place and reminds me a lot of my home state, Wisconsin.
After the Party Highlights dove us back to Scranton were we then explored the town. Erik is a big fan of The Office show so we toured a few choice locations that were filmed there.

Our tip was absolute amazing! I think it’s funny that all of this happened just because I illustrated a spider named Sophie. The Highlight Corporation is a wonderful company to have the opportunity to work for. All Erik and I had to do was get to Pennsylvania to attend the event; they provided us with everything we needed from transportation to logging, entertainment and meals. Thank you Highlights!